Singapore - THE GRINCH (PG) opens wide. Premium options include 3D. Other major debuts include CREED II (PG13), ROBIN HOOD (PG13) and 2.0 (PG13) (available in Tamil, Hindi and Telugu versions, as well as 3D premium options in Tamil).
THE DEVIL FISH 人面鱼:红衣小女孩外传 (NC16) and POLIS EVO 2 (NC16) start in multiple locations.
New releases on limited screens include LAST LETTER 你好,之华 (PG) (Orchard, AMK Hub); LONDON FIELDS (M18 Edited) (Lido, nex) and SINK OR SWIM (NC16) (Lido and The Projector).
LONDON FIELDS is the 15th edited film of the year.